Weather forecast: hurricane force winds and phenomenal waves

The forecast was for hurricane force winds and phenomenal seas. Don’t know what the numbers were but the view was certainly phenomenal!

From the crest of each wave we are looking down a cliff face into a distant valley below and a mountain range of ever-changing waves beyond!

Beautiful light when it’s there but a frightening angry matt steel grey terrain when it goes. The surface of the sea transforms from molten silver to molten stone.

Unbelievably miserably cold! I want to cry my hands and feet hurt so much.

Looking across to the horizon the sea seems so endless and so very big.

The wind howls, roars, moans and sings through the rigging. It tears the tops from the waves and turns the surface of the sea to smoke.

I thought I would be afraid but instead feelings of exhilaration and humbleness in the face of so much power.

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